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Congratulations, Myra Superio & Kelvin Koay!

We applaud your thirst for knowledge and are happy to see such committed individuals who take continuous learning to such great extent! Both clocked in an impressive 50 training hours respectively in just the last quarter. We’re truly impressed and curious to know more about the drive behind this achievement.

Let’s get to know our learning enthusiasts a little bit better and find out about their experiences and the imprint that the training courses have left on them for both their personal and professional development.

What or who inspired you to sign up for courses organised by YTLLA, and why?

Myra: There are so many things and people that inspire me, and in YTL there are many great leaders to emulate. It’s heart-warming and inspiring to know that our company sees and acknowledges its employees as their most significant asset, and invests in them by giving them all these opportunities to improve. How can you say no to that? Learning is a lifelong process and requires nothing but your curiosity, eagerness, and desire to improve.

Kelvin: Our management’s direction in the current Transformation plan where Talent (people) is one of the key components driving forward, is very inspirational. To know that we as employees are the key drivers in the future is what motivates me to better myself.

Which course did you find most interesting and impactful in terms of your professional and personal development?

Myra:  I think they’re equally beneficial, as I learned a lot from each course. I learned to enhance, use or apply my work-related strengths as a leader, and how to utilise them best or put them into play where they’re needed most. I learned that I don’t have to be scared of my work-related weaknesses and improving them. And that I’m not alone.

Kelvin: Mindset and Paradigm Shift Towards Accelerated Performance by Gill How. In my opinion, every part of our everyday life (work and personal) is about people management. Therefore, understanding different types of behaviours and utilising those skills to better relationships will definitely create better journeys and outcomes.

Would you recommend other colleagues attend the courses that you have completed, and why?

Myra: Absolutely. These courses, training, workshops and other similar development programmes provide various benefits. They enhance employee performance, boost employee productivity, and improve company culture. Providing employees with relevant and consistent training can help improve performance and efficiency in the workplace.

Kelvin:  I would definitely recommend my colleagues attend the courses. We are constantly learning on a daily basis (sometimes even without knowing) and there’s no such thing as a skill or knowledge that is not useful.

What are other types of courses you wish YTLLA would organise next year?

Myra: Negotiation skills and grooming courses.

Kelvin: Courses related to self-growth. I believe that the best investment one can make is in oneself. When its people are motivated and growing, the company will grow together with them.