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Wendy Tan Wen Chien

Environmental Officer

1. What is your job title?
I’m working as an Environmental Officer under the Gemas-Johor Bahru Electrified Double Track Project.

2. How long have you been working for YTL Construction?
I have been working with the company for approximately three years and eight months. 

3. What sort of duties do you have at work? 
My main responsibility is to ensure site works are in compliance with the Environmental Quality Act, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) approval conditions, other legal regulations, and client requirements. I liaise with site managers, engineers, supervisors and workers to get the environmental control measures specified in the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) implemented. Some examples would be doing water quality monitoring, installation of Best Management Practices (BMPs) at site, and carrying out environmental inspections.

4. What movie have you seen recently and why would you recommend it?
I watched the Netflix drama series “Squid Game” due to the hype by the end of last year. I would totally recommend it because of the hidden societal sarcasm the Korean drama insinuates. I like it when such global issues can be brought to the attention of the public in a subtle, yet impactful manner. It definitely is not the most audience-friendly, but the meaning behind it makes it a worthwhile watch.

5. What’s something you’re planning on doing this year that you’ve never done?
I wish to travel to one of the continents of the world that I have never explored.

6. What’s your most embarrassing office story? 
It’s not an office story per se. This embarrassing story happened at the site two years back. I was walking on a shallow waterway for the erection of a silt fence and accidentally fell down, drenching myself in drainage water. Luckily, there was a friend who was was willing to send me back home to get a quick shower and change. It’s always funny to reminisce about those days when we get ourselves so dirty and sweaty from fieldwork.

7. What’s something that has surprised you about your chosen career path? 
Environmental Officer is not the most glamorous job out there, I was kind of surprised to be handling all kinds of waste. I guess as the saying goes, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Never had I ever imagined graduating with a bachelor’s degree to be earning bucks by managing waste. 

8. If you could have an unlimited supply of one thing, what would it be? 
This is a tough one. If I could have an unlimited supply of one thing, I guess I would like to have time. Our world is so fast paced, to the point where sometimes I feel suffocated by the scarce amount of time I have to get so much done. Moreover, I’m such a procrastinator with poor time management. If I could have an infinite amount of time, I could achieve so much more on my to-do list.

9. Do you prefer closed-door offices or open-concept layouts? Why? 
I prefer an open-concept layout. Let’s be honest here, the idea of getting out of bed and going eight hours in a plain, old-fashioned style office. Bleh! I like the flexibility of an open-concept layout that will not confine me to a limited space. That way, there’s more potential for switching things up to get that fresh look from time to time. 

10. What is your most favourite thing about the work you do now? 
I enjoy the dynamic and progress of the project. At construction sites, I get the opportunity to work with different groups of people during different phases of the project. The challenges that come along with it are also unpredictable and ever more challenging. Every moment creates great friendships and memorable memories.Â