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by Shameera Nair Lin

Feeling restless or lethargic during the workday? Don’t worry, we understand. However, there are a few tried and tested ways to get a bit of a break as you go through a whole day of work. We thought we’d share a few of them today!

1. Take time for yourself!

This is underrated. Even the most extroverted of people require a break from the world, and the open office layout is not necessarily conducive to that. Regardless of where you are based for work, try locating a spot close by, and yet, almost completely removed from where you usually get your work done. This might be a hidden corner in a building, or an adjacent café, or a space removed enough from where your colleagues are to get some time alone. When you’re alone, one of the best ways to recover is to close your eyes and ignore your surroundings. If it takes noise-cancelling headphones to do so, go for it. A power nap could also work wonders.

2. Reduce screen time

Not necessarily an all-encompassing method, but screen fatigue is presently one of the main problems faced by those working digitally most of the day, an issue that has risen in awareness since 2020. Try locating an activity you can do without staring at a screen – writing on paper, reading something you enjoy, or just sitting somewhere with a cup of coffee. Your call.

3. Make a comforting beverage

Speaking of coffee: making a drink can be a very therapeutic routine for those in an office setting. However, it’s important to know what you love most and indulge in it. Reward yourself with a beverage of your choice from time to time, associate it with relaxation and take your time with it. Read the news, don’t read the news. Try identifying what works best for you: give a few different habits a try until you find what you like, if you haven’t.

4. Quick stretches and squats

No, squats do not cover the ‘rest’ portion of this article. With that being said, doing a solid stretching exercise in the middle of the workday can help with boosting energy and inducing slight relaxation in your limbs. YouTube is a goldmine. And squats are, well, squats, guaranteed to get your heart racing.

5. Music

One of our personal favourites: nothing seals you off from your surroundings quite like music. When you need to transport yourself to a different headspace, a playlist should do the trick. Make a few playlists – or you could check out our work playlists here and here — to accommodate different situations throughout the day: morning warm-up; energy booster; gentle afternoons and so on. We are sorry these sound like workout playlists – that is absolutely not the case! But if you find songs that guarantee to lift your spirits, take a few minutes to yourself and enjoy.

Bonus: Tidying up

Your workplace desk might need a bit of decluttering, or you might want to wash dishes at home. While this is not necessarily relaxing for everyone, and we do not blame you one bit, tidying up is one way of feeling like you’re getting something done while not having to put too much thought into it. At least, that is what some people say – we can’t confirm this at all.