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Congratulations to the winners of Employee of the Quarter Award!

Thank you for your outstanding values, admirable work and contribution.

Muhammad Basyar

One of the winners of Employee of the Quarter

Basyar is that person who always goes the extra mile to get things done. He strives to complete his work as soon as he can, after understanding the full scale of the processes involved in solving design or site issues. He is outstandingly dedicated to his work, being able to complete any task with short notice, and loves exploring all aspects of work going on, regardless of scope or department. He is very supportive and a good team player, ready to lend a helping hand even to colleagues from other departments. Respect is a value deeply embedded in him and every day, he passes it on to those he works with. Basyar is a true testament of Togetherness, not just to his teammates but to every colleague he encounters.

Let’s get to know more of Basyar!

1. How long have you been working with YTL Construction and what is your job title? 
I have been working with YTL Construction since August 2017, it has been four and a half years. My current position is Senior Land Survey Officer.

2. What are your tasks at work?  
I’m responsible for the survey related works such as infraworks, earthworks, roadworks, structural works, bridges & viaduct, trackworks, track system & signaling and land matters. I also ensure  the quality of survey by contractors in achieving the standard procedures stated in the guidelines.

3. Why do you think one should complete their work as soon as they can? 
 RESPONSIBILITY – this word has a big effect on one’s life. When you become a responsible person, you will deliver your work on time regardless of any obstacles you face. Whenever people need your help, that means they have trust in you. So, you need to keep in mind in whatever you do, you must do your best because the results reflect yourself.  

4. How do you complete any task given within short notice? Could you provide tips on this? 
As soon as I get to work, I record the tasks I need to complete and list them in order of highest to lowest priority based on the due dates. This helps me manage my workflow and keeps me on track with what I need to get done for that day. 

5. You like exploring all aspects of work going on, what is the logic behind this?
I’m someone who is eager to learn new things every day, even though the work is not related to my scope, I always find ways to gain more knowledge because we never know if the knowledge that we learn today might be useful for us in the future. Continuous learning isn’t just about ourselves. Lifelong learning helps develop our leadership skills which then translates into fostering lifelong learning in other individuals. 

6. What were the few situations where you helped colleagues from other departments?
There were a few situations where we collaborated with colleagues from other departments to solve issues at site. When the Engineers needed some information regarding the site situation, we will advise and provide the relevant information needed by them. We also liaise with the Quantity Surveyor (QS) department by providing the data they need to claim submissions. In a nutshell, we as surveyors are involved in every stage of work – pre, during and post project. 

7. Respect is an important value to you. Could you let us know from whom or which situation you learned about this value? Why do you think respect is so important?  
My parents always teach me to respect others, no matter what races, religion or time and places we must respect people around us so that people will respect us back. There is a quote said “Respect is something you earn not something you ask for it”. 

8. Who do you look up to in your life? Could you tell us more about this person. 
I always take my parents as my role model; they sacrifice everything for me and I’m pretty sure without their prayers I won’t be able to be at this level in my life. Always grateful for their encouragements and support throughout my life.   

9. What do you do during your free time? 
Netflix & chill! I always find time to watch movies plus it’s like a pill for me to release stress. Besides that, I really love to watch football and support my favorite team.  

We want to recognise individuals who reflect our values and are an ongoing part of our transformation effort! Do you know someone who has gone Above and Beyond? Nominate them below!

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