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Regardless of where you go today, people across the globe are allocating their resources to becoming more environmentally friendly. From paper lunch packs to using recycled plastics to make dishwashing liquid bottles, people are initiating new and practical methods that are both sustainable and sensible in helping the environment.

At times, we may think that our contributions are too small to make a difference. But our contribution, no matter how small its involvement may be, will help to improve our environment!

We are borrowing the Earth from our children, the next generation. Therefore, it is our responsibility to take care of our planet as we owe it to them.

To get you started, here are five effortless ways to reduce your carbon footprint. Read on and try one today!

1. Pay Bills Online

If you are still receiving paper bills in your post, UNSUBSCRIBE NOW! Switch to e-bills, it’s an easy fix. Set up a direct transfer account and pay your bills in one click. This will cut down on the amount of paper you need to recycle and reduce deforestation too.

2. Say No to Receipts

Another great way to eliminate paper waste is to decline receipts when possible. You don’t need a detailed print out for your quick coffee run or a few buns bought from the bakery.

3. Switch to e-Books

Hold it there bibliophiles, don’t cringe! We know that nothing compares to holding a book, flipping the pages and having a shelf full of books but the toll all that paper production takes on the environment just isn’t worth it, especially when there are so many eco-friendly ways to read.

4. Work Remotely

Remote employees usually have smaller carbon footprints because they don’t have to commute to and from the office. It is easy and convenient to conduct meetings with clients and employees without needing to be in the same room. We can now work at the comfort of our own home and be more productive since we can save all the time used for travelling to be more focused at work.

5. Meet Virtually

Consider using Zoom or Teams for your meetings and appointments. Not only is this good for the environment but also saves your time and money in terms of travelling and fuel.