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Note: ThinkInt has rebranded themselves recently! They are now known as Re:mind Psychology Centre.

The major point of engaging with counsellors is that they are not from your social circle, which makes them individuals who can listen to and support you without bias

Have you been feeling out of sync lately? Or have concerns that you need to address? Or simply feel like you need to talk to someone? Grab this opportunity to speak to a counsellor who has the capabilities and qualifications to support a deeper exploration of what you are going through by understanding your emotions.

Having these sessions can be healthy even when we have everything under control or think we may not need to address anything. Talking to counsellors may help us to realign and find balance within ourselves, substantially leading us in a positive direction.

YTL Construction has engaged ThinkInt Malaysia and their team of certified counsellors to conduct counselling sessions. The entire process will be confidential – from your personal details to the contents of your discussion with the counsellor. This is meant to be a platform for you to seek the mental health assistance and relief you may need.

We highly encourage you to give it a go as you are worthy and it is a first step to improving your mental wellness.

If you need more information or clarification, please email [email protected].

The following are simple steps to book your appointment.

  1. Fill in the Re:mind Psychology Centre registration form HERE.
  2. Re:mind Psychology Centre will reach out to you to set a date for your session.
  3. Alternatively, if you would like to book a follow-up session with your respective counsellor, do send an email to your counsellor, or email Re:mind Coordinator at [email protected]/ WhatsApp at 011-54112180.