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by Caryl Teh

Netflix. You’ve probably used this service more ever since the first MCO in March 2020. But have you ever wondered how it became the world-dominating company it is today? Or did you know that Google started out as just a search engine, and Amazon as just an online bookseller? “Land of the Giants”, a podcast by Recode from Vox, explores the stories of each of these companies. Every episode is less than an hour-long, perfect for reclaiming your commute time while adding to your knowledge of how Amazon, Netflix, and Google grew to become the giants in their industries. Find it on Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, or wherever else you listen.

Season 1: The Rise of Amazon

Examine how the biggest tech companies rose to power, and what they’re doing with that power. In season one, The Rise of Amazon, Recode’s senior commerce correspondent Jason Del Rey traces how Jeff Bezos transformed Amazon from an online bookseller to one of the largest companies in the world, and what that means for how we shop, work, and live.

Season 2: The Netflix Effect

In Land of the Giants: The Netflix Effect, Recode’s Peter Kafka and Rani Molla examine how Netflix got where it is today and whether or not it can maintain its streaming supremacy. Hear from Netflix’s founders and top executives as well as its competitors, critics and more – covering everything from its unusual internal culture to its battle with Blockbuster, its disruption of Hollywood and the upcoming streaming wars.

Season 3: The Google Empire

Facebook. Apple. Amazon. Netflix. Google. These five tech giants have changed the world. But how? And at what cost? Google’s dominance in everything from search and online advertising to YouTube and Android gives it tremendous power and responsibility. In season three, The Google Empire, Recode’s Shirin Ghaffary and Big Technology’s Alex Kantrowitz explore how Google became one of the most powerful companies in the world and whether it has become too big for our own good.