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Almost everywhere we go, we see plastic. But did you know some of it actually can be avoided?

Plastic is a man-made synthetic material which is strong, light, rigid or highly flexible. The increased production of plastic and its resistance to many natural processes of degradation has made it last almost forever in the environment.

Today, we can find plastic almost everywhere and even in places where we did not expect to see it. This has led to a rising concern about plastic pollution that could threaten ocean health, food safety, human health, tourism, and also contributes to emissions and climate change.

However, plastic seems like an essential part of modern life. Without plastic, many possessions that we take for granted might be out of reach for many, and let’s not forget that plastic has made many of our possessions cheaper, lighter, safer, stronger and more convenient.

There is a need for us to reflect on our plastic consumption and do away from avoidable plastic that is intended to be used only ONCE before being disposed of and not necessarily required for functionality. Many plastic items around us can be replaced with reusable alternatives that are kinder to the environment in long term.

Some commonly used avoidable plastic and alternatives:

(Kindly move your cursor over each block for more details)

Plastic Bottles

Bringing your own bottle is kinder to your wallet as well as the environment.

Plastic Straws

Drinking without straws does not change the taste. Use eco-straws only when necessary.

Single Use Cutlery & Containers

Bringing your own container and cutlery reduces plastic waste as well as saving you pennies.

Plastic Bags

Switching to reusable carrier bags which are more durable and environmentally friendly.

“It is the worst of times but it is the best of times because we still have a chance.” – Sylvia Earle

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