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by Caryl Teh

Your friend or relative got COVID, oh no (or it’s about time…?)! They’re now under quarantine, confined to the few walls that make up their home. It’s probably wiser not to do a lengthy in-person visit. But sending a care package? Absolutely! Now the question becomes “What do you put in it to really show you care?”. Here are 8 suggestions: 

1. Disinfectant and Antiseptic Spray (these are not the same as sanitisers!) 🦠 

These are probably the standard – common yet undeniably useful. The words “sanitising” and “disinfecting” are often used inter-changeably, but they are actually different. Sanitisers might work faster, but disinfectants kill more germs. Disinfectants are used for non-living surfaces while antiseptics kill microorganisms on human skin. 

2. Disposable Cutlery 🍴 

Some people are fortunate to have loved ones at home who can care for them and are willing to sterilise all their eating utensils after each meal. But this gets tiring! Disposable cutlery will lighten their load. And nowadays, it is possible to find disposable cutlery that feels solid and looks good! 

3. Shower Sheets 🧼 

People who get COVID might fatigue very quickly. If they’re finding it difficult to even get up, shower sheets are going to come in very handy. These will help them get clean without even needing to get out of bed. 

4. Something Delicious! 🥜🥐 

Human need to eat to get the nutrients required to regain their health. So, getting them something that increases their appetite will be very helpful. Nuts, cereals, chocolate snacks, seaweed or home-baked treats might help. 

5. Something Warm & Comforting 🍲 

A warm pair of socks or bedroom slippers, and a bowl of comforting, delicious, nourishing soup – perfect for recovery season. Or maybe something that could help them to sleep better like aromatherapy candles or an eye mask. 

6. Multivitamins or Vitamin C 🍊 

If they’re finding it difficult to chomp down on solid chunky pieces of fruit, then multivitamins or juice might be a good, energising option. 

7. Customised Face Masks 💪 

Yes, we know – if they have COVID they’re not going anywhere. But you’re losing perspective. This is so they’re ready to venture out again after a successful recovery! You can get much more creative, but at the very least maybe print “I CONQUERED COVID! 💪” across a face mask with a design that fits their personality. 

8. Your Picture 📸😜 

Take a picture of yourself that shows you are thinking of them and are cheering them on to get well soon! And handwrite this on the back on the photo. Make it light-hearted, make it personal, make it funny. It’s the perfect sign-off. And they will appreciate it. 


Taken Care Of
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