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by Caryl Teh

We’re working from home again! And for a lot of us, that means the return of dreaded body aches.

Your home office set up is important because it often affects your posture without your noticing. There are some simple steps you can take to minimise your chances of developing long-term injuries. Today, we’d like to share just 3 of those essentials with you.

Credit: Lifehacker

1. Neck ache

Screen height: your laptop screen or monitor should be at eye level, 50-66cm away from your eyes.

We all have that one colleague who slumps over their desk or slowly disappears by sinking down in their work chair over the course of the day.

2. Tired arms

Keyboard placement: position your keyboard so that elbows are bent at 90° when your arms are at rest by your side.

3. Blood circulation to your legs

Chair height: your feet should be able to rest comfortably on the ground with your knees bent at 90°. 

Small adjustments make a huge difference over time. We hope that these tips will help you feel better while staying safe & working from home.