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The BTRT Awards

What is the BTRT Awards? Why should I nominate someone?

The BTRT Awards are an opportunity for the company to recognise and celebrate those who go the extra mile in exemplifying YTL’s core values by displaying a stellar work ethic and caring for those around them; not just as professional colleagues, but even beyond that, as family.

The Who: Eligibility

Who can I nominate?

You can nominate any individuals and/or teams in the YTL family. But you can’t nominate yourself—they’re going to be disqualified. And as great as your mothers and fathers are, they are not eligible for this award (in case you’re wondering, yes, we’ve received such nominations in the past!) unless they’re working at YTL as well.

Can I nominate someone who had already won previously?

No, they are forever considered a BTRT Award winner so they cannot win again. But if they won as part of a team before, they are still eligible as an individual.

Who can submit a nomination?

Anyone who is a full-time employee with the YTL family.

Can I nominate the same person multiple times?

If there is something you want to add or that happened after your last nomination, sure. But bear in mind that we’re looking for quality, not just quantity. In other words, a higher number of nominations will not necessarily give your nominee a better chance of getting the award.

Submitting A Nomination

How many people can I nominate?

As many as you like.

Is there a fee?

No, it’s free. Plus if your nomination wins, you get all the bragging rights & may be in for a special reward.

What makes a winning nomination?

Quality, not quantity! We’ve prepared some tips on how to write an award-winning nomination. Basically, include personal anecdotes of YTL core values.

What Happens After I Submit My Nomination?

Do I get anything for submitting a nomination?

Not this year! You do, however, get the opportunity to call out your friends for being extra special members of the YTL family.

Are my nominations confidential?

It is not anonymous, we do need to know who made the nomination. But it is confidential, only the BTRT team and judging panel will have access to your nominations. Whether or not your nominee finds out that it was you who nominated him or her or them, we’ll leave that up to you to disclose.

Is there a timeframe to nominate?

We accept nominations all year round! But the deadline is 15 September every year. Any nomination received thereafter will only be considered for the following year’s BTRT Awards.

What makes a winning nomination?

Quality, not quantity! We’ve prepared some tips on how to write an award-winning nomination. Basically, include personal anecdotes of YTL core values.

How are the BTRT Awards judged?

We, the BTRT Team, will review all nominations and create a shortlist. A shortlist will be sent to a three-person judging panel: two from within the YTL Group, and one independent judge from outside the Group to ensure fairness. The panel will choose five winners – four individuals and one team.


How do I find out who won?

All the winners are announced and honoured at YTL’s annual LEAD Conference. Then we send out an EDM with a link to the Wall of Fame on our BTRT website! If you aren’t on our mailing list but would like to receive updates from us, reach us at [email protected].

I won! What do I do next?

The BTRT Team will get in touch with you.

I can't make it for the award ceremony. What should I do?

Don’t worry, your award won’t be given to someone else. Just choose a proxy to receive the award on your behalf, and let us know his / her personal details.